1. Juli 2011

Designing Mobile Interfaces

Liebe THS-Leser, diejenigen unter Euch, die meine Tweets lesen, werden es evtl. schon gelesen haben: da gibt es ein kostenloses ebook zum Thema Designing Mobile Interfaces.

If you are picking up this book, you don't need to be told how ubiquitous mobile is, how quickly it is growing and changing, and how much it is supplanting desktop computing, and even more traditional media such as film, television, radio, papers and books. Mobile is so huge and growing so fast, that astonishing numbers from just a few years ago pale in comparison. So much so, that we won't even bother quoting any figures, as they will be quaint far before the rest of the content looses its relevance. One thing that has not yet happened is true standards of design. There are just now movements to design for mobile first, for the very good reason that in many markets your customers look at your website on mobiles more than desktops. Yet, too much design is based on older paradigms for desktop, or even for TV or print. Within mobile, too many design discussions are very narrowly focused. They pay special attention to applications on a single platform, or only to the mobile web. And almost always at the specific expense of every other platform. Certainly, almost no one discusses anything but smartphones, despite huge marketshare and vast use rates.

Na, wenn das mal nicht die perfekte Wochenendlektüre ist.