Heuristic Evaluation
Liebe THS-Leser, ein bekanntes tschechisches Sprichwort sagt ein Blog-Post macht noch keinen Sommer - und wenn man aus dem Fenster schaut, sieht man wie wahr das mal wieder ist. Na ja, dennoch habe ich hier was nettes für Euch: Usability Guidelines for Heuristic Evaluation.
Heuristic Evaluation is evaluating the website based on usability principles (heuristics) and identifying the major usability problems with the website as well as evaluating the things which need to be retained from the existing website. One very important point to note here (which is missed by most of us) is the output of the Heuristic Evaluation should also consist of features/things which should be retained from the existing website. Heuristic Evaluation is a very important and necessary step, which should be conducted in the early stages of re-designing a website.
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