Usability Card Set
Liebe THS-Leser, das hier ist mal wieder ein interessantes Fundstück fürs Wochenende: Recommendations for usability in practice card set (pdf or hardcopy). Ich habe mir das PDF angesehen und es sieht wirklich sehr nett aus. Da ist eine Menge gute Info drin.
25 recommendations: This card set contains 25 recommendations for usability in product development practice. They are the outcome of my PhD research project and a companion to my thesis ‘Managing Product Usability; how companies deal with usability in the development of electronic consumer products’. In these recommendations I discuss how I would organize a product development group if the goal is to make usable electronic consumer products. So am I speculating here? Yes, to some extent. But the recommendations are based on evidence found through three case studies: on actual practices found within companies I studied or on suggestions by experienced product development professionals. In addition I used literature on usability in practice as a source.
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