15. April 2011


Das hier ist ein interessanter Beitrag zum Thema A/B-Testing: A/B and Preference Testing for Usability.

A/B Testing is a very popular method for testing variations in live sites; you can have two different variations of a text, button or whatever and find which one works best. This is achieved by sending roughly 50% of the sites traffic to the different vartiations (either A or B – not both) and seeing which one works best. Two useful options for this are Google Website Optimizer and Visual Website Optimiser – both of these tools are very handy for testing on live sites. A/B usability testing is a very similar concept. Whatever ideas you have to test, whatever variations you can think of, you just upload them, set a task, and see which one works best. The great thing about this is you don’t need to make changes to your live site, and it’s easy to add multiple tasks to test different variations.

Ein guter, einführender Text. Lohnt sich da mal kurz drüber zu scannen.