14. April 2011

What is Experience?

Heute Morgen bin ich zwischen Kaffee und Windel über diesen lesenswerten Beitrag gestolpert: Experience Is What We Make It. Die Autorin, Stephanie Rieger, ist eine unserer Gastredner bei der kommenden IA Konferenz.

A growing practice for teens is to photograph clothing in the shops, then text the image to friends for instant advice on the purchase. Not satisfied with just one or two opinions? Pop the image onto Facebook and the effect is amplified—crowdsourcing the shopping decision with an entire community. Rather than chastise shoppers for photographing their products, clever retailers are turning this behaviour to their advantage by incorporating QR codes onto labels, enabling shoppers to quickly review or share more detailed information about the product. While this is not formal augmented reality, it might as well be. Merge the retailer’s local and cloud-based information with the user’s photos, and the stream of comments from their social networks, and you have the ultimate contextual, relevant, and uniquely personalized point of sale display. Amazon takes this one step further with their barcode scanning application. People visiting bookstores already use their mobile devices to comparison shop or read Amazon reviews. Combine this activity with a quick barcode scan and Amazon’s 1-click ordering, and you have something truly disruptive. In seconds, users can turn a passing interest into a purchase (in many cases, completely hijacking the book-buying experience from the very bricks and mortar stores they are standing in).

Ein guter Beitrag. Ich freu mich schon auf Stephanies Präsentation bei der IAK.