Das hier, liebe THS-Leser, ist ein sehr netter Artikel zum Thema Speed Dating - na ja, nicht das Speed Dating das wir früher gemacht haben, als wir noch jung und knackig waren, nein ich meine Web Speed-Dating.
Lest, oder besser gesagt, hört mal rein. Ist interessant.Naturally, you'd leave a page that seemed like it wasn't going to give you the information you were looking for pretty quickly, and head back to Google to search again. When you're looking for answers, it's good to be skeptical. But what if your first impression isn't accurate? What if the page you just left did have what you needed, but just didn't make that clear to you quickly enough?
A webpage can't be everything to everyone, but that's hardly ever really the problem. In most cases, users are looking for clarity more than comprehensiveness. If a webpage's purpose—what it's offering and what it's asking for—is not immediately clear, a user won't give it the time of day, no matter how well-written its content. So, it often comes down to issues of design that determine a webpage's effectiveness, and whether it's able to disarm a user's skepticism.