3. März 2008


Zur Zeit macht ein Artikel zum Thema Personas mal wieder die Runde durch die Cummunity und es rauscht mächtig im Blätter- äh, Bloggerwald. Der Artikel erschien in der Januar/Februar Ausgabe von interactions und ist zum Glück auch für Nicht-Abonnenten kostenlos online lesbar: Persona non grata (Interactions Magazine, Volume 15, Number 1 (2008), Pages 72-73). Hier die HTML-Version.

Personas are misused to maintain a "safe" distance from the people we design for, manifesting contempt over understanding, and creating the facade of user-centeredness while merely reinforcing who we want to be designing for and selling to.[...]If this is the best way we have to keep the organization focused on a "real" customer, then we have larger organizational problems that need to be addressed. With personas, we're going down the wrong path. Rather than create distancing caricatures, tell stories.

Darauf entgegnet der lange Artikel The Persona Non Grata article is a gift. Really....

Yup, you need research. BUT, heretically, I think there is a major 80/20 rule when it comes to creating personas, which is very helpful when it comes to the ‘cost’ of doing personas. And that is that 80% of the benefit of personas comes from just creating them using the internal assumptions or embedded knowledge of a team.

Wer sich für Personas interessiert, wird die Artikel recht interessant finden.