Falcon 1 is airborn
Die unbemannte Rakete Falcon 1 des privaten Weltraumunternehmens SpaceX hat gestern den Weltraum erreicht.
The second test launch of Falcon 1 took place today at 6:10 pm California time. The launch was not perfect, but certainly pretty good. Falcon flew far beyond the "edge" of space, typically thought of as around 60 miles. Our altitude was approximately 200 miles, which is just 50 miles below the International Space Station.
Ein Video (WMV, 5MB) gibt es hier. Aber worum geht es bei SpaceX und warum blog ich das hier?
SpaceX aims to change this paradigm by developing a family of launch vehicles which will ultimately reduce the cost and increase the reliability of space access by a factor of ten. Coupled with the newly emerging market for private and commercial space transport, this new model will re-ignite humanity's efforts to explore and develop Space.
Informations-Räume zu erschließen und Informationen zu verorten ist auch die Arbeit von Informationsarchitekten - in RL, SL und hoffentlich bald auf breiterer Basis im outer space.
Sind das herrlich spannende Aussichten, oder was? ;-) ...