8. März 2011

iPhone Methodenkarten: UX Techniques

Ich hab mal wieder was Schönes zum reviewen bekommen. Diesmal ist es eine iPhone App (und das wo ich ein eingefleischter Nokia Fanboy bin). Alle die unsere wunderschönen und weltberühmten Methodenkarten von der IA Konferenz kennen, werden sich darunter was vorstellen können: es sind quasi Methodenkarten fürs iPhone: UX Techniques.

A reference application of methods and techniques for UX practice. The methods in the app are foundational techniques that can be used during stages of the UX process. Methods are grouped under five distinct project phases, or activities that can be successively tackled to create great user experiences. Techniques have been categorized according to activities: Gather, Organize, Understand, Explain and Test, with reasoning for Why, When and How they should be used as part of the UX process. All methods are searchable within the app supporting the ability to quickly discover interesting and effective ways to resolve UX design challenges. The paid version gives users the full set of 45 methods (9 in each activity group) Each method card contains a link to further detail on the subject. The user can also export individual card text to email and access the UX Techniques twitter feed where we will be providing support for the application.

Ist wirklich ganz brauchbar.