25. März 2011

Task Completion Rates

Liebe THS-Leser, nun steht das Wochenende vor der Tür. Da will ich Euch natürlich nicht ohne Lektür ziehen lassen. Wie wäre es also hiermit? What is a good task-completion rate?

A binary task completion rate is one of the most fundamental of usability metrics. You define a scenario with clear success criteria and have the users attempt it on an application. If they complete the task successfully you give them a 1 and if they fail it you given them a 0. After testing all your users, the average of all those 1's and 0's gets you the task completion rate. For example, if 9 out of 10 users complete a task, the completion rate is .90 or 90% when expressed as a percentage. What exactly is a good task completion rate?

Ist natürlich nichts weltbewegend Neues - aber dennoch recht lesenswert.