30. Dezember 2009

Journal of Information Architecture

... oh jeh, und da ich schon von Vergessen rede, kann ich Euch, liebe THS-Leser, auch gleich noch diesen sehr wichtigen Link nachreichen: Journal of Information Architecture, Fall 2009.

This is a special issue in many different ways. First, it is actually with this issue that we have fully started to employ our peer-review procedures (...) Second, this was supposed to be the first in a series of IAI members-only issues, to be opened up to the general public only after the next issue was released. Instead it is, as the first issue was, a completely open, readily-available issue to anyone interested in IA: practitioners, scholars and students.

Na, das ist doch genau die richtige Lektüre für den nahenden Jahreswechsel, oder?