27. Dezember 2009

Understanding Usability

Neulich beim Frühsurfen bin ich über diesen Beitrag gestolpert: An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Web Usability.

The main reason web sites are built is so that they are functional to be USED. It’s a simple as that. They are tools, references and resources, nothing more. And as web designers, we need to always remember that. Designing a web site needs to be about the user and only for the user and every possible need of said user has to have been foreseen and catered for. Only then can a web site be usable. That is what USABILITY is. Ok, that might be the worst description of web usability that you have ever read, but I am sure you get the point. Usability is important. Very important. The most important.

Ein ganz netter Beitrag. Vielleicht genau die richtige Lektüre für diese besinnliche Jahreszeit.