24. Dezember 2009

Social Experiences

An Heilig Abend rücken alle enger zusammen. Da werden alte Freundschaften wieder aufgewärmt und alte Netze neu geknüpft. Vielleicht habt Ihr ja heute noch Zeit diesen guten Beitrag zu lesen: 5 Steps to Building Social Experiences.

Nowadays everyone wants social in their sites and applications. It’s become a basic requirement in consumer web software and is slowly infiltrating the enterprise as well. So what’s a designer to do when confronted with the requirements to “add social”? Designing social interfaces is more than just slapping on Twitter-like or Facebook-like features onto your site. Not all features are created equal and sometimes a little bit can go a long way. It’s important to consider your audience, your product—what your users will be rallying around and why they would want to become engaged with it and each other, and that you can approach this in a systematic way, a little bit at a time.

Die Story enthält einige gute Beispiele.