23. Oktober 2007


Twine ist ein neuer Service der einem angeblich endlich das Semantische Web bis vor die Haustür bringen soll (bildlich gesprochen).

You are like a snowflake – you are totally one-of-a-kind. Twine recognizes what makes you special: your unique interests, personality, knowledge and relationships, to help you find and discover things, and be found by others, more relevantly.

Twine hilft einem dabei auf intelligente Weise (spätestens hier sollte man vorsichtig werden), gemeinsam mit Menschen denen man vertraut, Informationen zu organisieren.

Where Twine is differentiated from the likes of wikipedia is that its underlying data structure is entirely Semantic Web. Spivack told me that the following Semantic Web technologies are being used: RDF, OWL, SPARQL, XSL. Also he said that they plan to use GRDDL in the near future. Spivack had an interesting term for what Twine is doing with Semantic Web technologies, riffing off the Facebook Social Graph. Spivack is calling Twine a "Semantic Graph", which he says will map relationships to both people and topics. So Twine's Semantic Graph actually integrates the Social Graph. Spivack said that his company has patents pending on this.

Ich habe mich für den Dienst (Beta) registriert, kann aber noch nicht mehr dazu sagen. Auf Read/Write Web gibt es zum Thema einen guten Artikel mit Screenshots.