1. November 2007

OCLC Report: Vernetzte Welt

Das Online Computer Library Center (OCLC, vormals Ohio College Library Center) untersucht im aktuellen membership report soziales Engagement und Zusammenarbeit im Internet.

What comes next? What will information access and library services look like on an Internet that has moved beyond simple search, beyond corporate Web sites, past the library Web site, and beyond the blog? What is it that motivates, even inspires, millions of users to spend hours online, not searching for information, but creating information, building content and establishing online communities?

Der Bericht Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World ist 280 Seiten lang, also eine recht lange Lektüre.

Der Bericht basiert unter anderem auf einer Umfrage in verschiedenen Ländern, darunter auch Deutschland.

Folgende Bereiche werden betrachtet:

  1. User practices and preferences on their favorite social spaces
  2. User attitudes about sharing and receiving information on social spaces, commercial sites and library sites
  3. Information privacy; what matters and what doesn’t
  4. Librarian social networking practices and preferences; their views on privacy, policy and the potential of social networks for libraries

Nearly 90% of Internet users in the geographies surveyed have been online four years or more and a quarter of users have been online for a decade. The Internet is now familiar territory, and users are looking for “what’s next.”

Der Bericht hört sich sehr interessant an (ich habe ihn bislang nur angelesen). Scheint mir genau das Richtige für eine lange Zugfahrt zu sein.

Einzelne Kapitel lassen sich hier herunterladen.