Design Thinking Transforms Organizations
Ich lese ja gerade Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?: Inside IBM's Historic Turnaround - ein wirklich recht interessantes Business Buch. Relativ leicht zu lesen und gut zu verstehen.
Gerstner quarterbacked one of history's most dramatic corporate turnarounds. For those who follow business stories like football games, his tale of the rise, fall and rise of IBM might be the ultimate slow-motion replay. He became IBM's CEO in 1993, when the gargantuan company was near collapse. The book's opening section snappily reports Gerstner's decisions in his first 18 months on the job-the critical "sprint" that moved IBM away from the brink of destruction.

Wir alle lesen ja immer mehrere Bücher gleichzeitig (äh, das macht ihr doch auch?). Das andere wirklich super gute Buch auf meinem Nachttisch ist Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation.
It’s like getting golf tips from Tiger Wood’s coach. Tim Brown’s firm IDEO has won more medals for innovative design than anyone in the world. If you want to be more innovative at work or in life, study with the coach of champions.
Das Buch ist wirklich lesenswert. Taugt übrigens auch als super Vorbereitung auf die nahende IA Konferenz.