Effective Brand Building
Ach das hier ist doch endlich mal wieder eine vernüftige Sonntags-Lektüre: Three laws of branding: Neuroscientific foundations of effective brand building. Ein Beitrag der den Begriff Lektüre auch wirklich verdient.
Commercial brands strive to be chosen by customers, and branding as an activity is aimed at increasing the likelihood that they are. Almost all customer choices are at least partially memory-based. This paper begins with the assumption that as neuroscience is a 'hard' science studying memory as a highly regular subject matter, it should be possible to deduce several laws from it for the 'soft' field of branding. Based on primary, empirical research in neuroscience, the author synthesises three laws that govern the probability that a brand enters our awareness as a positive candidate for choice. Brands that have been built in accordance with these laws have a higher probability of being chosen than brands in the same category that have not.
Ein wirklich guter Beitrag. Als Informationsarchitekten sind wir indirekt, über die User Experience am Brand Building beteiligt. Da kann ein wenig theoretisches Hintergrundwissen nicht schaden.